Deezer Premium US
This code can be used only once during its validity period and gives access to the Premium service for the duration of the offer.The code can be used only once during its validity period and gives access to the Premium service for the entire duration of the offer from the moment of its activation. The code isThe code can be activated for one year from the date of purchase. The code can be used in conjunction with any other gift codeand Premium subscriptions, with the exception of Deezer subscriptions taken outvia Apple or a mobile operator. At the end of the code period, anyDeezer subscription suspended during the code period will automatically become payable again. Thecode cannot be reimbursed, taken back or exchanged under any circumstances, whether it has beenlost, stolen or damaged. Any resale of the code is forbidden. Deezer is notresponsible for any loss or damage resulting from the loss, degradation orfraudulent use by a third party of this code. In order to use this code, you must haveaccount or create one, and accept the general terms and conditions of use of the DeezerDeezer Premium service (